RIONI Signature Black Dual Zip Wallet Organizer STB-W020-P
RIONI Signature Black Dual Zip Wallet Organizer STB-W020-P

RIONI Signature Black Dual Zip Wallet Organizer STB-W020-P

RIONI Signature Black Dual Zip Wallet Organizer STB-W020-P
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Signature Black Dual Zip Wallet Organizer (Rioni Lorelai)

Rioni Signature Black Dual Zip Wallet Organizer - Don't leave home without your wallet organizer. Gentle taupe ''RR'' RIONI monogram printed against a solid black colored designer canvas body. Embossed in the center with a gold RIONI Moda Italia emblem. Double sided sleeve pockets and double zip closure opens on the left side to eight credit card holder and vertical sleeves for cash. The right side opens to center dividing coin holder black fabric lining. Comes with a detachable strap.

Super Shopper Outlet Stores offers the largest discount selection of Rioni designer handbags, purses, wallets, totes, luggage, and backpacks at near wholesale prices--just ask and you'll receive.  Rioni’s creative inspiration is leading to new handbag styles designed for women who are particularly fashion-forward and interested in trendy and sophisticated fashion and lifestyles.  Among the products men enjoy are wallets, iPad cases, smart phone holders, sunglass holders, travel organizers, and luggage...which are very popular.  As the company’s expanding market influence grows, the Rioni brand has come to represent a revolution and benchmark for luxury retail.  In response to the growing demand for and appreciation of the Rioni Designer Handbags & Luggage, its brand is further expanding the product line with a wider variety of colors, styles and materials used in the construction of bags, luggage and accessories.
  • Signature (Black) - Dual Zip Wallet Organizer
  • Style Number: STB-W020/P
  • Weight before packaging: 9 oz.
  • Dimensions: L8.5 x W1.5 x H4.5"
  • Drop Length: 25" Strap

Please allow 3-5 days handling before shipping.

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