Nicaraguan Gourmet Coffee - 1lb. Bag
Nicaraguan Gourmet Coffee - 1lb. Bag

Nicaraguan Gourmet Coffee - 1lb. Bag

Nicaraguan Gourmet Coffee - 1lb. Bag
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(1) Pound Bag of Gourmet Coffee

Artisan's Roast - Nicaraguan Coffee (Varietal Arabica Coffee) is a Single Origin Coffee from Nicaragua. We proudly roast this coffee with a centuries old technique using just the right temperature and humidity in our slow roasting process.

This is a classic cultivar coffee (specialized through cultivation) that has medium to full body and a mild yet distinct acidity (desirable primary flavor of gourmet coffees).  Nicaraguan coffees provide rich yet subtle flavors that are sweet and balanced with a nutty bouquet that often exhibits notes of caramel or vanilla.

A good Nicaraguan coffee displays a mild, fruity brightness and will tend toward lower-toned sensations such as papaya, apricot, or chocolate rather than higher-toned characteristics such as citrus and floral sensations.

The coffees of Nicaragua are characteristic of Central American coffees in general, though typically milder in acidity than most other Central American coffees.  Nicaragua coffee is wet processed (a coffee processing method which involves "washing" the coffee beans to remove the coffee's fruity material while the coffee cherry is still moist--just after picking).

This is a very dependable coffee.  The diminished and gentle acidity, as well as the coffee's balance and sweetness, have also made Nicaraguan coffees a great choice for use in coffee blends.

Our Roast Master hopes you'll enjoy the experience of truly Fresh-Roasted Coffee.  This gourmet coffee has great body (mouthfeel) and wins many points with our roasted coffee connoisseurs.  Did you also know that coffee beans come from the center of the coffee plant's cherry (fruit), and is the seed of the plant.

Single Origin Coffee definition: Unblended coffee from a single country, growing region, or plantation.  Sometimes called straight coffee.

Our Gourmet Coffees are Fresh-Roasted to Order, then shipped right away.  Taste the difference and you'll never go back!  

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